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A Leader in Achieving Confident Smiles

We understand you may want to change the appearance of your smile. You may dislike that your teeth are discolored or stained, have gaps, or are suffering aesthetically from a previous treatment. We recognize your smile may be one of your insecurities, and at Family First Dental, we are here to help.

Today, smile makeovers take less time and are more affordable, so there is no reason to wait. The range of cosmetic dentistry offered at Family First Dental is done by trained professionals who take extra care in listening to your needs to understand clearly what you hope to achieve. Using the latest techniques, we offer a number of treatments to provide you with the smile you once had or always wanted. Our treatments include Invisalign, dental implants, dental repairs, and teeth whitening.

Giving You a Brighter Smile With Our Teeth Whitening Treatments

Teeth whitening is a simple, noninvasive way to brighten your smile and remove years of stains and color from your teeth. Perhaps you love coffee, or you just quit smoking and want to remove the dark pigment left on your teeth. Family First Dental provides professional service and methods to quickly brighten your smile.

With our whitening treatment, your teeth will become two to six shades lighter, depending on the original pigment of your teeth before treatment. This treatment is affordable and designed for patients who don’t want the sensitivity caused by more aggressive methods. We recommend you do not consume any colorants, either from food or drinks and abstain from smoking within 24 hours after treatment to achieve the best results. Teeth whitening is not permanent, and a touch-up may be needed years later, or more often if you smoke or drink tea, coffee, or wine regularly.

Repair and Fix Old Treatments

Using the latest technology, our team can help to repair or fix previous treatments that have left a noticeable mark on your smile. Silver-mercury amalgam has been a standard material used for filling restoration for a number of years. We prefer a modern composite-resin filling that bonds tightly to the remaining tooth structure and provides additional strength. This material more easily matches the shade of your natural tooth, making it virtually invisible.

We use a similar technique when applying a crown to restore a tooth if a filling is not working, or your tooth has broken or worn down. The high-quality crown we install will be durable and natural-looking, so you can be assured no know will know it’s not a real tooth. Whether a bond or filling needs to be redone or a tooth implant needs to be replaced, Family First Dental can help bring your smile back.